Feigen Lecture

A Memorial Lectureship to pay tribute to George Feigen, a fine scholar and a good friend.

George Alexander Feigen (1916-1983)

George Alexander Feigen (1916-1983) joined the Stanford Faculty as a member of the Department of Physiology in 1949. He was an authority on anaphylaxis and the mechanisms involved in its expression. During his 34 years of teaching and research at Stanford he trained and inspired a large number of students from all over the world, a remarkable number of whom developed an enduring admiration and affection for him.

His sudden and untimely death on May 22, 1983 created a profound sense of loss in those who knew him well. They immediately established this Memorial Lectureship as a tribute to a fine scholar and a good friend. 

2023-24 Feigen Memorial Lecture

Dr. Roderick MacKinnon
The Rockefeller University

"Biophysical studies of the Piezo1 Ion channel"

Clark Center Auditorium
Thursday, April 18, 2024
4:00 PM

Reception to follow at Clark Courtyard

Hosted by Liang Feng's lab

Please contact Colin Muir at cmuir3@stanford.edu for any additional information